Discovering Science

Learn about the extraordinary world of everyday chemistry with this collection of five short online courses.  

Accessible for free on desktop, tablet or mobile, the five courses can be taken in any order. However, it is recommended that you join the Discovering Science: Science Writing course first, as this will help you make the most of the science writing activities in each of the topic courses.  

Discovering Science: Science Writing

Without science writing, science could not really exist. By recording experiments and publishing the results of studies and discoveries, scientists can share their important work, and find an engaged audience.

Learn about different types of science writing, and look at the factors which you need to consider to write a story.

Join Discovering Science: Science Writing

Discovering Science: Medicinal Chemistry

Discover how chemotherapy has evolved, and some of the breakthroughs and developments chemists have made in the fight against cancer over the last 10 years.

On this course, you’ll explore how modern imaging techniques diagnose problems quickly and safely, and how diseases which may not previously have been picked up are identified.

Join Discovering Science: Medicinal Chemistry

Discovering Science: Global Challenges

On this course you will find out about two major global problems, bacterial resistance and feeding an ever increasing population. You'll learn how the Penicillin class of antibiotics has been a major breakthrough in the treatment of patients and how bacteria developing efficient ways of resisting antibiotic treatment.

You will then explore  the strategies currently being developed, and the role that chemistry plays in finding solutions to food security.

Join Discovering Science: Global Challenges

Discovering Science: Chemical Products

Discover how scientists are using their knowledge of the molecular structure of naturally occurring compounds to develop new and exciting materials. From clothing to tooth enamel, the possibilities are endless. You’ll also consider the chemistry behind the development of everyday consumer, and consider the ethics behind the products you use. 

Join Discovering Science: Chemical Products

Discovering Science: Atmospheric Chemistry

On this course you will learn about the role that radiation and greenhouse gases play in our understanding of our atmosphere and the solutions scientists are exploring to reduce CO2 levels. You will then explore the atmospheres of planets and moons in our solar system and investigate how learning about other atmospheres can help us understand the evolution of our own. 

 Join Discovering Science: Atmospheric Chemistry