Introduction to Intercultural Studies

Learn how to appreciate other cultures and develop intercultural competence by exploring concepts of culture and interculturality.

Accessible for free on desktop, tablet or mobile, the five courses can be taken in any order. 

Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Defining the Concept of Culture

On this course you will understand intercultural communication by learning about the concepts of culture and interculturality.  You’ll explore some of the meanings associated with the term ‘culture’, examine the effects of cross cultural interaction and learn the theories that underpin intercultural interactions.  

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Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Intercultural Contact

On this course you will examine the idea of intercultural contact, discover how it is experienced in our everyday lives, and learn about the ways in which people develop intercultural competence. You’ll consider terms such as ‘globalisation’ and ‘acculturation’, explore the relationship between nationality and culture, and compare different experiences of returning ‘home’ following periods of absence.

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Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture

On this course you will learn what language is and how it relates to cultural identity and the way we think. You will investigate how language is shaped by the culture it originates from and how it influences intercultural communication. You will examine the difficulties of translation and how politeness is expressed across cultures and learn about the controversial issue of language loss and examine the reasons that cause it.

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Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Crossing Borders

This course will help you learn how borders can both divide and connect territories or people. You’ll encounter and discuss a range of different borders and analyse the effects on individuals who occupy them and cross them. You’ll explore different circumstances of crossing borders focusing on travel and immigration and understand the effects of the invisible borders we all cross everyday. 

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Introduction to Intercultural Studies: The Branding of Culture

The course examines the ways marketing uses cultural stereotypes to promote products or places. You’ll consider the effects this might have on national and cultural identity and study the way in which nations use “soft power” through spreading of cultural products and practices, to influence the behaviour of people across the globe. You will also examine the idea of cultural imperialism and assess the ways in which it is resisted.

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