Medical Technology Futures

This program provides you with an initial introduction to the exciting future of medical technology, covering digital medicine, genomics, personalised medicine, artificial intelligence, robotics, and regenerative medicine.

There is a special focus on medical device design and engineering and synergy with the UK Topol Review of medical technologies. The topics will be presented within the framework of the design and innovation process, from assessing user and clinical need through to gaining regulatory approval.

Accessible for free on desktop, tablet or mobile, the five courses can be taken in any order. 

MedTech: Trends and Product Design

Explore the product design process of MedTech devices and examine future trends in healthcare technology and the MedTech industry.

Join MedTech: Trends and Product Design

MedTech: Digital Health and Wearable Technology

On this course, you will explore the impact of digital devices on healthcare professionals and their patients. You will also study the types of wearable devices and sensors patients use and why. As you look to the future of this technology, you will consider the impact of the miniaturisation of implantable devices, and the challenges around devices’ use of big data on healthcare systems.

Join MedTech: Digital Health and Wearable Technology

MedTech: Exploring the Human Genome

On this course, you’ll learn what genomics is, how genomic testing works, and consider the regulatory and ethical issues that surround it.

You’ll explore how genomics can improve patient care by understanding how genomic data helps clinicians to identify illness risk more accurately, using the specific examples of cancer and epidemics such as Zika virus disease. You will also look at the future of genomics, and how it might impact healthcare roles.

Join MedTech: Exploring the Human Genome

MedTech: Orthopaedic Implants and Regenerative Medicine

On this course, you will learn about the MedTech currently used in orthopaedics, and consider the design and development process of orthopaedic implants. You will also explore regenerative therapies and learn how stem cells are used for tissue engineering and explore how this technology allows human joint regeneration to occur before a joint needs to be replaced.

Join MedTech: Orthopaedic Implants and Regenerative Medicine

MedTech: AI and Medical Robots

On this course, you will learn what robots are and explore human robot interaction (HRI) in healthcare. Using case studies, you will learn why regulations are essential for the safe use of robots and AI in healthcare, and understand the process of bringing a successful product to market. You will also explore how artificial intelligence is used in surgical procedures, to improve precision diagnostics, in exoskeleton technology, and even for patient care.

Join MedTech: AI and Medical Robots