In a world where evaluation is increasingly emphasised, the Plus Programme at the University of Leeds has always recognised its significance.
Since its inception 10 years ago, the programme has embraced a data-led approach to ensure its activities remain useful, impactful, and responsive to the evolving needs of students.
This steadfast commitment to data-driven decision-making has empowered the Plus Programme to continually refine its methods, adapting to the diverse requirements of its expanding membership.
The approach
Over the years, the Plus Programme’s approach to using data has evolved into a sophisticated and comprehensive system. By analysing student engagement data alongside retention and awarding outcomes, the programme can pinpoint which activities truly make a difference. This insight allows them to focus their efforts on impactful initiatives, ensuring they invest time and resources where it counts the most. Instead of focusing on activities that may be enjoyable but have little impact on retention, they prioritise those that genuinely benefit students. This adaptable and data-driven strategy keeps the Plus Programme ahead of the curve, continually evolving to meet the needs of its diverse and growing membership.
Liv Powell, Senior Officer in the Plus Programme, explains, “It’s quite simple: we want to ensure our offering is dynamic and meets students’ needs. The best way to do this is by tracking engagement and gathering direct feedback. Rather than relying on staff assumptions about what students want, we use data to make informed decisions.”
Tracking student engagement and feedback has been integral to the Plus Programme’s work since its inception. “The student steering group was introduced in the 2017-18 academic year to provide structured, in-depth feedback. More recently, in the 2023-24 academic year, the Student Involvement Project gathered student voice data, giving us valuable insights for improvement. Our approach has evolved and expanded over time,” says Liv.
The Plus Programme collects various types of data to evaluate student engagement comprehensively. By linking this data with retention and awarding outcomes, they can assess the overall impact of their initiatives. This holistic approach ensures that both quantitative data and student voices are integral to their strategy.
Liv adds, “We also ensure data collected is representative of the Plus Programme’s diverse population. Our semesterly snapshot survey is sent to all Plus Programme undergraduates, and we incentivise participation with prize draws. We advertise it widely to reach as many students as possible.”
By evaluating engagement en masse and linking this back to retention and awarding data, the Plus Programme distinguishes itself from similar initiatives. This approach highlights the importance of student voice alongside quantitative data, ensuring both are vital components of their strategy. The Student Involvement Project, focus groups, and surveys all contribute to a holistic understanding of student needs and preferences.
The impact
The Plus Programme's data-led approach to evaluation has truly transformed its ability to meet student needs. Liv shares, “Feedback from semesterly snapshots and focus groups indicated that some students, particularly neurodiverse students, preferred quieter, low-key events.” In response, the programme now hosts at least one event per term in a quiet space, featuring activities like crafting or sip-and-paint sessions. These events are seamlessly integrated into a diverse offering, catering to various student preferences.
Moreover, the programme continuously adapts event timings based on student availability. Liv explains, “One year, data showed that students preferred Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, so we scheduled events accordingly. The following year, evenings were more popular, so we adjusted again.” This flexibility ensures that both commuter students and those with evening commitments can participate. By offering a mix of afternoon and evening events, the Plus Programme maximizes inclusivity and engagement, making every student feel valued and heard.
The future
The Plus Programme is dedicated to advancing its data-led approach to evaluation in the future. Liv emphasises, “Data will play an increasing role in shaping our events and activities. As student preferences change, particularly post-COVID, we need to track what works.” The recently introduced events tracking spreadsheet will be crucial in this effort, helping the programme analyse past engagement and plan accordingly.
One of the main initiatives driving this forward is the Events Companion. Liv explains, “The Events Companion ensures that new and continuing staff use data to plan events effectively. It includes guidance on recording and analszing data to support evidence-based decision-making.” This initiative will equip staff with the tools and knowledge needed to leverage data, ensuring that the Plus Programme continues to adapt and meet the evolving needs of its students. By integrating these practices, the programme aims to stay ahead of the curve, making informed decisions that enhance student engagement and success.
If you would like to find out more about how the Plus Programme take a data-led approach to evaluation, we’d love to chat with you! Email the Plus Programme: