Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater Pledge
The University of Leeds formally commits to the GTRSB into HE Pledge.
What is the GTRSB into HE Pledge?
GTRSB is an acronym for Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater. The pledge has been developed by Buckinghamshire New University in consultation with community members, civil society organisations, HE representatives and education policy specialists.
The pledge supports and facilitates the development of an inclusive and welcoming culture for students and staff from GTRSB communities and encourages HE institutions to review and develop their current working practices through four key areas:
- data monitoring of GTRSB student and staff numbers
- building a supportive and welcoming culture for GTRSB students
- outreach and engagement to local GTRSB communities
- inclusion, Celebration and Commemoration of GTRSB cultures and communities.
Why has the University of Leeds committed to the pledge?
These communities (Gypsy, Roma and Travellers) are some of the least likely to access Higher Education due to systemic social challenges and barriers; and of all ethnic groups they remain the least likely to enter higher tariff institutions (Brassington, 2022).
Here at the University of Leeds we want to welcome, support and champion every student regardless of their cultural or ethnic background. The work of this pledge aligns with the university’s key value of inclusivity alongside our Equality and Inclusion Strategy. We recognise the GTRSB into HE Pledge as a significant step forward in the university supporting students from these backgrounds to feel welcomed and most importantly, understood, whilst they are on their education journey with us.
Centred around breaking down barriers for access and continuation for students from these community and ethnic groups, this work will directly support the university’s Access and Student Success Strategy with a clear focus on creating that sense of belonging for these student groups.
How will we work towards our commitments?
The University has established a working group made up of colleagues from across the institution who are dedicated to supporting this pledge's work. This group will be chaired by Richard Kemp, Head of Access & Outreach at The University of Leeds.
Data monitoring of GTRSB student and staff numbers
Currently, the University of Leeds uses the following ethnic categories, as stated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA):
- Irish Traveller
- Gypsy, Roma or Traveller.
Showmen and Boater are not currently recognised on HESA as an ethnic group, therefore we cannot officially monitor these student figures at the time of commitment to the pledge.
Registered students, all years for 2023/24 (undergraduate and taught postgraduate as of 1 December 2023, postgraduate researchers as of 2 May 2024. Source - Banner):
Undergraduate students (UG)
- Number of identified UK students: 18
- Number of identified international students: 12
Taught postgraduate students (PGT)
- Number of identified UK students: 0
- Number of identified international students: 3
Postgraduate researchers (PGR)
- Number of identified UK students: 0
- Number of identified international students: 3
Working alongside the Business Intelligence and Data Analysis (BIDA) team, we will monitor these figures on an annual basis; reviewing UG/ PGT figures in December and PGR in September. This will allow for better targeting of support to certain faculty areas, alongside a wider understanding of fluctuation in student numbers for communities within GTRSB.
Building a supportive and welcoming culture for GTRSB students
Working with the Leeds University Union (LUU), the University has an established union policy, as of March 2024, which focuses support on students from GTRSB backgrounds. The policy advocates for the University of Leeds developing a culture that welcomes, is inclusive of, and understands the backgrounds of students from Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Showmen and Boater communities.
Working with the University Union, we will explore and develop ways to raise awareness of GTRSB communities with current students; for example, information stalls during GRT History Month.
We’ll facilitate opportunities for current GTRSB students to have their voices heard and allow their opinions and experiences to influence the work of the pledge; for example; inviting membership of the working group and running student drop-in sessions with LUU.
From September 2024 Steven Forsyth, Senior Plus Programme Officer will be the university’s named contact for GTRSB student groups. Steven can be contacted by email at, for advice and support.
The University will provide CPD opportunities to educate on GTRSB communities. This is with the aim of raising awareness, particularly amongst student-facing staff, of these cultures and the additional barriers that students may face when accessing and remaining within Higher Education. We hope long term that a better awareness and understanding across the institution will lead to improved support for GTRSB students.
Outreach and engagement to local GTRSB communities
We have established strong working relationships with Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (Leeds GATE) and hope to foster this relationship moving forward to allow for community perspective and voice to impact and influence our outreach work initiatives.
We will review our eligibility criteria for University of Leeds outreach programmes to ensure GTRSB learners are given opportunities to explore and access Higher Education and are provided with additional support once they are on a course.
Inclusion, Celebration and Commemoration of GTRSB cultures and communities
GRT History Month will be acknowledged and celebrated at the University on an annual basis. In June 2024, we organised an in-person event which engaged staff from across the university, alongside members of the Gypsy and Traveller community through connecting with Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange. The event was also open to members of the public and wider stakeholders.
GRT History Month will be added to the Leeds University Union’s cultural calendar and the University of Leeds’ Equality and Inclusion calendar.
Jeff Grabill, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Student Education at The University of Leeds.