School of Medicine admissions appeals and complaints procedure

As outlined in the main University of Leeds Taught Admissions Policy, the University will consider all applications fairly and effectively in line with the admissions policies for each programme.  

The School of Medicine selection processes for our undergraduate programmes consist of several stages. The selection criteria treats all students fairly and does not discriminate unlawfully on the grounds of marital status, gender, gender re-assignment or transsexual status, race (including colour, nationality, national origin or ethnic origin) disability, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, political or other opinion, social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status. 

Although our processes are designed to be fair and transparent, we recognise that there may be occasions when applicants will feel that the University has not adhered to the high standards it sets itself.

This Appeals and Complaints Procedure tells applicants what to do if they feel that they have grounds to challenge a decision to reject their application, either through an appeal or a complaint. 

What is an appeal or complaint?

For the purposes of this document, the definitions are:

  • An appeal is a request for a formal review of an admissions decision or the wording/terms/conditions of an offer. 
  • A complaint is a specific concern related to a procedural error, irregularity or maladministration in the admissions procedures or polices. 

How to appeal or make a complaint

Applicants who believe that they have legitimate grounds for an appeal or complaint should first refer to the relevant School of Medicine admissions policy to clarify what it is reasonable for them to expect from the University. This can be found on the relevant course page on Course Search.

After this, if the applicant wishes to proceed with their complaint, they should first write to, or email the Faculty Admissions Manager, detailing the nature of their complaint. You can find their details at the bottom of the page.

The applicant should do this within 14 days of the date that they were notified of the outcome of their application. 

Please note that we only consider information submitted at the time of the application to make a decision on that application. We do not consider extra information provided at a later date.

Appeals and complaints may not be made by a third party (school, parent or other representative), unless the applicant provides explicit consent, in writing, for the third party to act on their behalf. This proof must be submitted with the complaint or appeal. 

After receiving the complaint or appeal, the Faculty Admissions Manager for the School will review the decision to reject the applicant. Following this, the School will write to the applicant giving grounds for their decision, normally within 14 days. 

Applicants who have complained to the School and remain dissatisfied may submit their complaint to the University’s Complaints Officer within 14 days of the School’s response. This Officer (or his/her nominee) will not review academic or professional judgements that have been made but will review matters relating to process. The Officer or nominee will aim to provide a response – a reasoned judgement – within 14 days of receiving a complaint. This judgement will represent the University’s final decision on the matter. 

The Officer will report the outcomes of any reviews they conduct to the Recruitment Committee.

Our standards for appeals and complaints

The University will seek to ensure that all appeals and complaints from applicants are treated seriously, positively and constructively. It will also seek to ensure that appeals and complaints are dealt with promptly, with fairness and consistency.

Applicants, and any individual against whom complaints might be made, should expect complaints to be dealt with confidentially and in a manner that respects their privacy. However, it may be necessary to disclose information to others in order to deal with the complaint and in these circumstances the parties concerned will be informed of such disclosure. 

The Appeals and Complaints Procedure may not be used where the decision not to offer a place arises from a failure on the applicant’s part to fulfil any academic or non- academic requirements for admission.

Each year, the School of Medicine receives many more applications than it has places available, and many well-qualified applicants may be left feeling disappointed with the outcome of their application. Applicants have no right of appeal against a decision not to offer them a place providing that the decision can be shown to be reached fairly and in accordance with the admissions policy. 


Sarah Whiteley, Faculty Admissions Manager 
School of Medicine,
Room 7.09, Worsley Building,
University of Leeds,

Email the School of Medicine admissions manager via