Video transcript: An Introduction to the Leeds Curriculum

Transcript for the video embedded on the Leeds Curriculum page.  

[Various shots of students on campus].

[Professor James Pickering is stood inside the Nexus building and says:]  

Why are we refreshing the Leeds Curriculum? 
Well the Leeds curriculum has served our students and the university well for over a decade with the core program threads with broadening through Discovery and research-based learning our students have had the opportunity to engage with a curriculum that provides rigor and stretch to their learning. 

Our staff have also been able to access this framework to ensure the curriculum is meeting the needs of our students but with the University's development of its recent Student Education Strategy 2020/30 it really was an opportune time to have a look at the Leeds Curriculum and make sure it is still centred around Student Success inclusion and addressing the global challenges that we all face today. We decided to take her much broader but student-focused approach to what the Leeds Curriculum means and we developed three pillars around Your Course, Your Future, Our World.  

Your Course really is focused around the disciplinary strength from program identity that we know our students come to Leeds to experience ensuring they have access to the latest research through our leading academics and are enable to engage in the cutting-edge areas of disciplinary research and able to experience those within the local Community. 

Your Future is also one of the three pillars of the refreshed Leeds curriculum and this really is about ensuring that our students upon graduation are equipped with the appropriate behaviours and skills to move into our Global Society making sure they have the right digital literacies, professional literacies, and the appropriate skills that are rooted in the discipline but have also transferable to the wider world upon Graduation. We’ll ensure that our students through the leads curriculum are able to access the appropriate training and learning activities to ensure they’re equipped to meet the global challenges moving Forward. 

Our World is really a way of wrapping all of the learning and curriculum experiences that we provide for our students with a layer of authenticity making sure we are providing empirical real-world examples of our education and how they apply to the real, the world that our graduates will move into the local National and Global communities that we hope our students move into and make the changes that they've developed within the University of Leeds.  


So sitting underneath the three pillars of the Leeds Curriculum, Your Course, Your Future, Our World are a series of cross-cutting themes. Themes such as Ethics, Sustainability, Enterprise are integrated within our programs ensuring students have access to things that they may not otherwise have thought when they were picking their degree. We also make sure that all of our learning and teaching practices are active inclusive and are based on the empirical evidence from the literature. 

As part of that Learning Journey we make sure we have themes such as sense of belonging and ensure that our students are receiving a decolonized curriculum, also ensuring that they're surfacing the right skills through their programs and acquiring the appropriate digital and professional literacies to help them make that difference in the workplace upon Graduation. And then finally ensuring that all of our assessments that our students take within their programs are authentic and based on real world examples.