Video transcript: University of Leeds Climate Plan - Delivering Net Zero by 2030

Transcript for the video embedded on the Net Zero Delivery Plan.

[Music plays]

An illustration of an aerial view of the University of Leeds campus fades onto screen. Text appears that says: Delivering Net Zero by 2030. Climate Plan. The University of Leeds logo is also on screen. Text appears that says: University of Leeds campus is changing. Here are examples of what we’re doing to reach Net Zero by 2030.

The illustration of an aerial view of the University of Leeds campus becomes clearer and the text disappears. Numbers one to five appear in sequence, labelling specific buildings dotted around on campus.

The animation zooms into a building labelled number one. Text appears that says: Increased electricity supply to campus. An increased electrical supply will allow us to move our heating system away from fossil fuels, which will deliver large scale and cost-efficient emissions reductions and go a long way to delivering our net zero target.

The animation zooms into a building labelled number two. Text appears that says: Upgrade the Worsley Building. We plan to install a new heat recovery ventilation system in the Worsley Building, which will save over 1,000 tonnes of CO2e each year.

The animation moves across campus and zooms into a building labelled number three. Text appears that says: Electrify the Brownlee Triathlon Centre. We’ve replaced the heating system with air source heat pumps. This makes the whole site fully powered by electricity. We’ve also installed new electric vehicle chargers to help support sustainable travel to the site.

The animation moves across campus and zooms into a building labelled number four. Text appears that says: Build a new energy centre for the engineering cluster. By installing a new local energy centre for the engineering cluster we can almost fully decarbonise the heating systems within these buildings. Air source heat pumps will be a key part of the solution and research is underway to understand whether geothermal heat can be used alongside them.

The animation moves off campus to an image of wind turbines labelled number five. Text appears on screen that says: Invest in renewable energy generation.

We are investing in new to ground off-site renewable energy generation projects which will feed electricity into the national grid. As our electricity usage increases, we’ll invest in additional renewable energy projects to match this.

The illustration the campus fades. Text appears that says: Delivering Net Zero by 2030. Climate Plan. To learn more visit our hub: Net Zero Delivery Plan.