Video transcript: University of Leeds KTP with THIS

Transcript for the video embedded in the THIS Knowledge Transfer Partnership case study.

[The screen shows a red and black background with the title ‘University of Leeds KTP Case Studies: THIS’.]    


[Dr Ray Zhang, Senior Research and Development Manager at THIS, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Dr Ray Zhang says:] “THIS produces very high quality plant based meat alternative and our vision is to force the animal into early retirement. My name is Ray, my role at THIS is Research Manager. Believe it or not we’re actually consuming over 10 billion eggs. The vegan egg market is at least £10 billion. We believe our products can return about £1 billion of revenue and also if you think from that perspective it's almost like we're saving 10 million eggs every year.” 

[Lily Sulaiman, Senior Research Scientist at THIS, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Lily Sulaiman says:] “So the main aim of the project was to innovate a liquid plant based egg that delivers the functionality and nutritional properties similar as egg to deliver the best attributes pre during and post cooking bearing in mind the cost and the feasibility. I’m Nur Sulaiman but you can call me Lily, and my role in the KTP is as a KTP associate. So the specific outcomes of the project were understanding the whole egg gelation process.”  

[Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez, Lecturer in Nutrition and Global Health at the University of Leeds, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez says:] “So we could mimic for example having an omelette or scrambled egg. That was the biggest challenge of the project. I am Alan Alvarez an academic at the School of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Leed. My role in this KTP project I was the academic. The main drivers in food innovation first of all are the consumers, they really want to understand and to know where the foods they are consuming if they not only provide some benefits, but as well if they are sustainable and friendly for the environment” 

[Dr Ray Zhang, Senior Research and Development Manager at THIS, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Dr Ray Zhang says:] “First of all I think through the KTP program we got connected with a really really good associate who is absolutely brilliant: such an expert in proteins and technologies. Another key benefit is having access to Leeds’ expertise.” 

[Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez, Lecturer in Nutrition and Global Health at the University of Leeds, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez says:] “Having these type of links between academia and companies provides more opportunities to develop science with higher reach with the use of KTP we can really transform science into real impacts for the population.” 

[Lily Sulaiman, Senior Research Scientist at THIS, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Lily Sulaiman says:] “There's a lot of new technology, new learnings derived from this project that is already what we apply in other research areas and leveraging these I think will help the business to be the market leader in the world of plant based area.” 

[Dr Ray Zhang, Senior Research and Development Manager at THIS, appears on the screen, seated in front of the camera.]   

[Dr Ray Zhang says:] “The KTP has led us to such an amazing product which we absolutely believe gave us really decent return on the investments. So I think this will have really, really positive long term benefit for the business going forward”  

[The video ends with a screen displaying the text “”.]