Confirming your place

Waiting for your exam results can be a stressful time, so we’ve put together some helpful information to help you prepare for your next steps on your journey to university.  

Due to the UCAS embargo, our applicant communications are limited between 29 July and 15 August – but don’t worry, you can still access all the information you need. You can also contact us

How to check if you have a place  

Most results are sent directly to UCAS from the awarding bodies, so you should first log in to UCAS to check if you have been accepted to your firm or insurance choice course. You’ll need your UCAS personal ID to do this, so make sure you have it handy. 

You may need to wait a few days for your status to update if you’ve studied the International Baccalaureate, as it doesn’t happen automatically. If you’re studying an international qualification, you’ll need to email your results to us as soon as you receive them.  

If UCAS hasn’t been updated as expected and you’re not sure if you have a place, you can call us on +44 (0)370 121 5122 from 8am on Thursday 15 August. Before this date, you should email the admissions team for your course – you can find their contact details in your offer letter or on Course Search.  

Remember that universities are not allowed to tell you your results – you need to receive them from your school or college before you contact us. 

When you have your results 

When UCAS has updated there are a couple of scenarios you may see. 

You are accepted into your firm or insurance choice

This will happen if:  

  • you achieved the required grades for your firm choice   
  • you didn't achieve the grades needed for your firm choice, but you met the requirements for your insurance choice
  • you narrowly missed the grades needed for your firm and/or insurance choice, but the university still wanted to offer you a place.

If UCAS shows that you’ve been accepted at Leeds, your place has been confirmed and there’s no need to contact us.

You haven’t been accepted to your firm or insurance course

Don’t worry, you still have options.  

Alternative course offer  

If you narrowly missed the offer conditions for your original course, we may offer you an alternative course — you’ll see this when you log into UCAS. If you don’t want to accept this course, you can decline the offer.

If you decline the offer and we were your firm choice, you’ll have a place on your insurance course, providing you met the conditions of the offer. If Leeds was your insurance choice and you decline the alternative course, you’ll be placed into Clearing. 

Apply through Clearing   

If you don’t receive an alternative course offer, you can apply for courses through Clearing. 

Our vacancies will be listed from 5 July and refreshed on 15 August. Register your interest in Clearing for email updates.   

If your exam results are better than expected

Congratulations! If you’ve met and exceeded the offer conditions of your firm choice, you could reconsider where and what to study. 

Speak to us about options we have available. You can call our Clearing phone line on +44 (0)370 126 0606 from 8am on Thursday 15 August.  

If you want to make changes 

Your next steps will depend on the changes you want to make.

If you want to defer to next year, or you applied for deferred entry but want to come this year

This may be possible, but it will depend on the course you are planning to study. To check if a change of year is possible, email the relevant admissions team using the contact details on Course Search

If you want to change to a different course

This will only be possible if the course you want to move to has availability. To check, you should first speak to the admissions team for the course you want to move to using the contact details on Course Search

If you want to change to a different university 

It’s important that you speak to the university you want to move to first, to ensure they can accept you on to a course. Once you have confirmation of a place, you can release yourself into Clearing using the ‘decline your place’ button on UCAS. Don’t release yourself into Clearing before you have a confirmed offer otherwise you may be left without a place.  

Remember, you can’t choose to decline your firm choice on results day to join your insurance choice instead. If you decline your firm choice then you’ll enter Clearing, so you should only do this if you’re sure you don’t want to take up your firm place. Not all courses are available in Clearing, so make sure you check beforehand so you’re not left without a place.   

If you decide you no longer want to go to university at all

If you want to withdraw your application, you should get in touch with the admissions team for your course using the contact details on Course Search.

Appealing your exam results

If you’re unhappy with one or more of your grades and intend to appeal your result, you should speak to your school or college. If your grades change following your appeal, and you now meet the conditions of your offer, we’ll typically hold your place until 6 September 2024, excluding courses within the schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare who are operating a deadline of 31 August.

Contacting us

You can find the email address for your course’s admissions team on Course Search and in your original offer letter.

You can also contact us by phone at the following times:  

  • Thursday 15 August: 8am to 6pm  
  • Friday 16 August: 8am to 5pm  
  • Monday 19 to Friday 23 August: 9am to 5pm  
  • Wednesday 28 August to Thursday 29 August (or until vacancies are full): 9am to 5pm  

You can use the following phone lines:

Find out your next steps once you’re accepted at Leeds