After arriving checklist

Our after arriving checklist provides some information on what things you need to do after arriving in the UK in order to settle in as soon as possible. 


  • Carry copies of your job acceptance offer, degree certificates, reference letter from your bank and driving licence in your hand luggage so it is easy to access upon arrival, if necessary.
  • Apply for a National Insurance Number.
  • Apply for a UK Driver’s Licence, if required.


  • Have some British Pounds (sterling) with you on arrival. You can use your debit or credit card to withdraw pounds from the cash machines in the UK. There is likely to be a charge involved for most non-UK bank cards.
  • Open a UK bank account. As a minimum you will need your passport for ID and usually proof of a UK address. The University of Leeds has an arrangement with Barclays Bank to make this easier.


  • Arrange to pay utility bills such as gas, electricity, water and council tax.
  • If you own a television you will need to get a television licence.
  • Arrange an internet connection.
  • Consider getting a UK mobile phone or sim card.
  • Consider taking out home contents insurance to cover your possessions.
  • If you have a car you will need to make sure it is taxed through the DVLA (Drivers Vehicle Licencing Agency) and arrange motor insurance. If you buy a car over three years old it should have a valid MOT (Ministry of Transport) certificate to prove it is roadworthy. It is illegal to drive without this.


  • Register with a local doctor in the area where you live.
  • Register with a dentist. You may need to join a waiting list.


  • Arrange appropriate child care if needed.
  • Enrol your child in a school. Your child will not be offered a state school place until you are living in the UK and have a UK address.
  • Consider taking your child to social groups / events.
  • ​​​​​​​Apply for Child Tax Credits or Child Benefit if you are eligible.