University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
LC AuxeTec Materials
Leeds Creative Labs: Bragg Edition Leeds Creative Labs
Leeds research network to tackle major global health threat Antimicrobial resistance
Leeds STAR: Student action for refugees Volunteering with the local community
Levelling the playing field: the Access to Leeds module Increasing access
Libby Chilton MA Fashion, Enterprise and Society
Libby Chilton MA Fashion, Enterprise and Society
Liberty Maher MA Advertising and Design
Lily Giang BSc International Business and Finance
Lily Morgan BA Politics and Philosophy
Liza Kellett Talking about volunteering at the University of Leeds
Longer lasting joint replacements: helping us stay active longer Joint replacements
Looking beyond medicine – a new network for mental health research
Louis Ewart Talking about clubs and societies
Louise Rush Studying abroad at Leeds
Louise Woodcock Louise Woodcock, Business Lead, Learning Design Agency
Lowell Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
LUNAC Therapeutics Drug discovery
Lydia Spence Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship
Lynette Akong Talking about volunteering at the University of Leeds