University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
Freeline Knowledge Transfer Partnership
From cradle to grave: Challenging stereotypes about family life Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
From farming to the stars – reducing inequality through education  Global Research and Development at the University of Leeds
Gary Hinken Talking about returning to education
George Hobley Talking about scholarships
George Hobley Support from Access to Leeds has helped George succeed in his studies.
George Sykes Transition to university
Geraldine Montgomerie Leeds Arts, Health and Wellbeing Network
Getech Geological
Gina Li Postgraduate pre-sessional English
Giving smallholders a stronger voice through collaborative research Developing equal partnerships in research
Glass in the machine Mechanical engineers from the University of Leeds have been able to accurately quantify the viscosity – or resistance to deformation – of ultra-thin films that protect our engines’ moving parts.
Glenn McCauley Glenn McCauley
Gluco Materials discovery
Goldenfry Foods Ltd Knowledge Transfer Partnership
Guanghui Li Postgraduate pre-sessional English
Guofeng Xu Undergraduate pre-sessional English
Haleemah Alaydi MA Writing for Performance and Publication
Haokun Huang Postgraduate pre-sessional English
Harriett Howe Talking about starting her own business