University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
Davina Basse From University of Calgary
Demetra Brady Work experience
Dental simulation training Using data to support student training
Designing ideal cities Using technology to design the cities of the future
Developing efficient retail and public service networks Efficient retail and public service networks
Dietary Assessment ltd Food science
Discovering Dante’s Florence: enriching modern cultural and religious life Dante research
Discovering Turner’s Yorkshire: enriching public understanding and boosting tourism Turner’s Yorkshire
Do livestock farms hold potential as hydrogen generators? The University of Leeds’ H2Boost project
Dominique Nielsen BSc Biotechnology with Enterprise
Dr Jim Baxter Consultancy
Dr Luke Burns Teaching fellow and lecturer in Geographical Information Systems
Dr Moses Batwala Talking about leaving a legacy to the School of Medicine at Leeds
Dr Oguz Can Eren Early career researcher
Easing the pressure on nuclear waste A partnership between the University of Leeds and Sellafield, the Sludge Centre of Expertise is dealing with the challenge of safely managing nuclear waste created by the UK’s nuclear power programme.
Edoardo Bono Alumnus and founder of Help for Optimism
Eleanor Bowles Cultural Institute internship
Elizabeth Adeyemo International Foundation Year Arts and Social Science route
Ellie Sleightholm Discovered a new passion on her work placement
Emilie Felletoft From Aarhus University