University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
Alice Colligan BSc Biology
Alice Yang From Hong Kong Baptist University
Allie Mills Allie Mills, Academic Design Consultant, Learning Design Agency
Alward Soeminto Putra Postgraduate pre-sessional English
Alysa Leung From Hong Kong Baptist University
Amanda Iandolo From University of Calgary
Amrita Chattoraj Volunteering for Burmantofts Community Friends
Anastassia Belynskaia Operations Coordinator, Learning Design Agency
Andy Horne Talking about volunteering at the University of Leeds
Andy Zhang International Foundation Year and BSc Computer Science
Angie Arnott Chartered Manager Degree apprenticeship
Anne Drenth From Radboud University, Nijmegen
Annika Bremicker The Environmental Challenges Program of online courses
Annika Chan From Monash University
Anouska Newhouse BA Philosophy 2024
Anthony McDonald Events Co-ordinator
Antibiotics don't cure toothache: A spotlight on antimicrobial resistance in Indian dental care AMR at Leeds
Aronnax Ultrasound Limited Ultrasound technology
Asda Knowledge Transfer Partnership
Asha Suresh From National University of Singapore