University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
Breaking free: walking in spite of paralysis Faculty of Biological Sciences
Bringing students, staff and experts together to accelerate our digital campus Ann Allen, Director of Campus Innovation & Development, Masud Khokhar, University Librarian and Keeper of the Brotherton Collection, Dr Margaret Korosec, Dean, Online and Digital Education, Paul Taylor, Dean, Student Education (Experience) & Professor of Chemical Education
Bronte Linich Studying abroad at Leeds
Brooks Swift From Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Building a supportive learning community through data-driven human interventions StREAM Learning Analytics and engagement call handlers
Bunmi Adaramola Cost of living and budgeting
C-Capture Carbon capture
Caitriona Dennis Caitriona Dennis, Academic Design Consultant, Learning Design Agency
Calista McCready Transition to university
CalTIC GmbH Pharmaceuticals
Cardiovascular MRI scans: the heart of cost-effective diagnosis Faculty of Medicine and Health
Caroline Wherritt Enterprise ambassador
Carys Gwenllian Hind Volunteering with Societies into Schools
Cathy Faucheux From University of Salzburg
Cathy Malone Cathy Malone, Academic Design Consultant, Learning Design Agency
Cavero Quantum Cybersecurity
Cell Lane Ltd Medical devices
Ceri-Elen Challinor and Danielle Ray Student enterprise
Chandana Ravichand From PSG College of Technology
Charlotte Haigh Dean for Student Education: Educational Enhancement and Student Experience