University of Leeds profiles

Name Profile information
Ashleigh Rodda Student enterprise
Assemblify Limited Biotechnology
AstraZeneca Research collaboration
Austin Hayes Knowledge Transfer Partnership
Authenticity and connection in online learning A research project explored how the online learning environment shapes our self-awareness to produce a new learning protocol.
Avacta Biotechnology
Ayelet Melman MBChB Medicine
Bat inspired technology gives freedom to blind and partially sighted people Bat inspired technology
BBC archives: creating living resources through public collaboration and engagement BBC archives
Becky Edlin BA Graphic and Communication Design
Ben Barrett Talking about studying abroad
Ben Kew Talking about scholarships
Ben Li MA English Literature
Beth Coltart From University of Cape Town
Beth Peacock MSc Biopharmaceutical Development
Bethany Madden Postgraduate study
Bettys and Taylors Group Postgraduate researcher placements
Bioenergy: turning a pest into energy We are working with researchers from the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) and colleagues in India to try and turn an invasive aquatic plant into a source of energy.
Bionow Bionow
Biosecurity for invasive non-native species Faculty of Biological Sciences